OS Deployment Service

OS Deployment Service


In here you will find specifications as well as requirements and design of the CapaInstaller OS Deployment Service


  • The OS Deployment service exposes the same boot interface that ciBoot does for Bios Boot
  • The OS Deployment service supports UEFI boot support with the new OS Client


  • The OS Deployment Service is a Windows Service that can run on both x64 and x86 processors. 
  • The service requires .NET Framework 4 to be installed. 
  • The service is installed from the CapaInstaller console by the 'System' plugin.
  • The service is installed in C:\Program Files\CapaInstaller\Services\ciOSDeploy
  • One logfiles are written in C:\Program Files\CapaInstaller\Logs\Services during execution; ciOSD

Command Line Interface

The service retrieves its configuration from the SQL server but can take different command-line arguments. As the BackEnd Server is a windows service, any arguments must be supplied to either the net.exe command or the sc.exe command.

Parameter syntax:

sc [\\computer] start ciosdeploy [/debug|/d] [/noupdate|/n] [/refresh|r] [/xmlfile|/x]



/debug or /d

Run the service in debug mode.

/noupdate or /nSkips the update of CiBack-end from the database

/refresh or /r=##

The rate in seconds used for updating the service settings from the database.

/xmlfile or /x

Specify the service to use a different configuration XML file, primarily meant for debugging purposes.


sc \\Serverstart ciosdeploy /d

Start the service on the server; backend01 in debug mode

sc start ciosdeploy /refresh=10

Start the service and use using a 10 seconds refresh rate.

 OS Deployment Service General information

 General information and status for the service...




Service status

Status of the Service. Equivalent to services in the control panel.

Service Name

The name of the service used by the operating system.

Display name

The name you will see in services in the control panel.


Description of the service.

Startup type

The type of service. This can be either; automatic, manual, or disabled.

The default value is automatic.

Last heartbeat

This is a timestamp for the last synchronization activity.

Path to executable

The full path to the program that is started by the service.

 Database Configuration

 Database configuration...




SQL server

The SQL server that the Data Connection Service connects to.

SQL database

The SQL database that holds the CapaInstaller Management Solution database.


Clicking on this button the CIDal settings.xml is updated with the correct database.

Use Windows authentication

Instructs Data Connection Service to establish a database connection by identifying itself with the computer account.

Use SQL authentication

When this radio button is selected, the Data Connection Service will connect to the database with the credentials in the user name and password fields.

User name

The user name used to connect to the database when SQL authentication is selected.


The password that goes with the user name stated above.

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