Active Management Technology (AMT) detailed

Active Management Technology (AMT) detailed

General AMT introduction

The following is a description of the Active Management Technology (AMT) from Intel,

and how CMS supports this technology.

Intel Active Management Technology is a hardware-based technology. It can be upgraded

to higher minor versions, but upgrade to higher major versions require newer hardware.

There are a lot of different versions of AMT, and different versions support different

methods of configuration and different features. To get an overview of the version

specific configurations method and features, read more here:

 http://software.intel.com/sites/manageability/AMT_Implementation_and_Reference_Guide/DOCS/Implementation and Reference Guide/WordDocuments/hardwareplatformarchitecture1.htm

Test connection with WebUI

When you have configured an AMT device, you can verify the connection with a browser

by typing the following URL: http://hostname:16992 (even when the AMT device is powered

off). If the AMT capable machine is set up in enterprise mode instead use port 16993

and https.

It will ask you for credentials, and the default username is ”admin” while the password

is configured in the MBEX menu. Local use of this WebUI is only supported in version

6.1, while previous and later versions need to be accessed remotely.

If you can successfully log in via the WebUI, and have configured CMS correctly, you

should now be able to use the supported AMT operation from CMS. The following sections

explain the configuration and operations.

See more details on the WEBUI on Dell’s article on this Url: http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/latd630/en/AMT/webgui.htm

 AMT Configuration in CMS

In order for the AMT operations to be carried out, credentials for AMT must be configured, and this is done in the System Management options. A username and password that match the configurations on the AMT enabled machines must be supplied. The checkbox below determines whether or not the replicator will attempt to use AMT in the wake on Lan requests it receives. The replicator will always send a standard WOL package on these requests, and will in addition to this attempt a AMT WOL if this setting is enabled.

 AMT operations in CMS

To wake up og shut down a computer using AMT, you right-click the computer in Configuration Manager and expand the AMT menu. If the computer is configured correctly for AMT and the credentials from the System Management options match this, the wake-up or shut down command will be sent to the computer. A connection with the target computer is established, and if successful a reply will be returned to confirm if the operations were carried out or not.

You can also select multiple computers and use the AMT commands on these, and the status is returned and displayed for each to verify if it was successful or not.

Misc info and links

 Intel® Active Management Technology Setup and Configuration Service

Installation and User Manual


Nov, 2006

Intel AMT Implementation and Reference Guide


Architecture Guide: Intel® Active Management Technology


May 31, 2009 12:00 AM PDT

List of some desktop and notebooks supporting AMT

http://communities.intel.com/docs/DOC-2033  23-Sep-2008


Intel^®^ MEBx (Management Engine BIOS Extension)

The Intel MEBX configuration user interface can be accessed on a client system through the following steps:

  • On rebooting the system, after the initial boot screen, the following message will be displayed: 'Press <Ctrl-P> to enter MEBX SETUP'
  • Press <Ctrl-P>

Enter the Intel Management Engine password. (The default password is 'admin')

http://www.intel.com/en_US/Assets/PDF/general/ug_Intel_MEBX.pdf  01-Feb-2010


ME password

The default password is admin and is identical on all newly installed platforms. You must change the default password before changing the mode configuration settings.

The new password must meet the following requirements for strong passwords:

  • Password length: At least 8 characters, and no more than 32.
  • Password complexity: Password must include the following
    • At least one digit.
    • At least one 7-bit ASCII non alpha-numeric character (e.g. '!', '$')
    • At least one lower case letter, and one upper case letter.

ME Power Control

In the menu ME Power Control, you can configure in which states the ME is on.

More info on the different host power states, and what they allow here:

Intel AMT Power State Transitions

We recommend the "ON in S0, S3, S4-5 for CMS operations to function.  

 Using the Intel AMT WebGUI


"Changing the password in the WebGUI or a remote console results in two passwords!"

The Intel^®^ AMT WebGUI is a Web browser-based interface for limited remote computer management. The WebGUI is often used as a test to determine if Intel AMT setup and configuration was performed properly on a computer. A successful remote connection between a remote computer and the host computer running the WebGUI indicates proper Intel AMT setup and configuration on the remote computer.

The Intel AMT WebGUI is accessible from any Web browser, such as the Internet Explorer^®^ or Netscape^®^ applications.

Limited remote computer management includes:

  • Hardware inventory
  • Event logging
  • Remote computer reset
  • Changing of network settings
  • Addition of new users

WebGUI support is enabled by default for SMB setup and configured computers. WebGUI support for Enterprise setup and configured computers is determined by the setup and configuration server.

Information on using the WebGUI interface is available on the Intel website at www.intel.com.

Follow the steps below to connect to the Intel AMT WebGUI on a computer that has been configured and set up:

  1. Turn on an Intel AMT capable computer that has completed Intel AMT setup and configuration.
  2. Launch a Web browser from a separate computer, such as a management computer on the same subnet as the Intel AMT computer.
  3. Connect to the IP address specified in the MEBx and port of the Intel AMT capable computer. (example: http://ip_address:16992 or
  • By default, the port is 16992. Use port 16993 and https:// to connect to the Intel AMT WebGUI on a computer that has been configured and set up in the Enterprise mode.
  • If DHCP is used, then use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the ME. The FQDN is the combination of the hostname and domain. (example: http://host_name:16992 or http://system1:16992)

The management computer makes a TCP connection to the Intel AMT capable computer and accesses the top-level Intel AMT-embedded Web page within the Management Engine of the Intel AMT capable computer.

  1. Type the username and password.

The default username is admin and the password is what was set during Intel AMT setup in the MEBx.

  1. Review the computer information and make any necessary changes.

You can change the MEBx password for the remote computer in the WebGUI. Changing the password in the WebGUI or a remote console results in two passwords. The new password, known as the remote MEBx password, only works remotely with the WebGUI or remote console. The local MEBx password used to locally access the MEBx is not changed. You have to remember both the local and remote MEBx passwords to access the computer MEBx locally and remotely. When the MEBx password is initially set in Intel AMT setup, the password serves as both the local and remote password. If the remote password is changed, then the passwords are out of sync.

  1. Select Exit.

Remote Configuration for Intel® AMT


June 1, 2009 12:00 AM PDT