Creating Device Applications
In order to open the editor and create a new application, you must expand a root Configuration Management Point (CMP), and then expand Applications and Packages. Right-click on the Device Applications node in the navigation pane and select ‘Create Application. Similar to packages and power schemes, applications can only be created and edited in root CMPs, and from there be promoted to child CMPs.
How to create a Device Application...
- Right-click Device Applications and Select Create Application
- Specify an Application name for the application and description. The priority determines the order in which applications are installed. The version is automatically incremented each time the application is saved.
- Click on one of the platform-specific payloads on the left, this is now added to the device application being configured
- Click the "Search" button in the top of that empty payload to open a form where you can search for an App in the selected marketplace
- Click the OK button to add the selected app to the payload and return you to the Application Editor
- When the desired payloads have been added to the Device Application and their settings configured, the application can be saved by clicking Ok. If any mandatory fields have been skipped, or the input is invalid, they will be marked by an exclamation mark.