Restrictions Payload MacOS

Restrictions Payload MacOS


This payload can be used to restrict access to certain features and capabilities of a macOS device. Some restrictions require that the device is Supervised and is marked with an asterisk.

FunctionalityDescriptionDefault ValueDevice Must be Supervised

Allow Use Of CameraWhen false, the camera is completely disabled and its icon is removed from the Home screen. Users are unable to take photographs.[Not Checked]
Allow Cloud Back To My MacOptional. When false, disallows macOS Back to My Mac iCloud service. Availability: Available in macOS 10.12 and later.[Not Checked]
Allow Cloud Find My MacOptional. When false, disallows macOS Find My Mac iCloud service. Availability: Available in macOS 10.12 and later[Not Checked]
Allow Cloud BookmarksOptional. When false, disallows macOS iCloud Bookmark sync. Availability: Available in macOS 10.12 and later.[Checked]
Allow Cloud MailOptional. When false, disallows macOS Mail iCloud services. Availability: Available in macOS 10.12 and later.[Not Checked]
Allow Cloud CalendarOptional. When false, disallows macOS iCloud Calendar services. Availability: Available in macOS 10.12 and later.[Not Checked]
Allow Cloud RemindersOptional. When false, disallows iCloud Reminder services. Availability: Available in macOS 10.12 and later.[Checked]
Allow Cloud Address BookOptional. When false, disallows macOS iCloud Address Book services. Availability: Available in macOS 10.12 and later.[Not Checked]
Allow Cloud NotesOptional. When false, disallows macOS iCloud Notes services. Availability: Available in macOS 10.12 and later.[Checked]
Allow Cloud Document SyncOptional. When false, disables document and key-value syncing to iCloud. Availability: Available in macOS 10.11 and later.[Not Checked]
Allow Cloud Key ChainSyncOptional. If false, disables iCloud keychain synchronization. The default is true. Availability: Available in macOS 10.12 and later.[Not Checked]
Allow Fingerprint For UnlockOptional. If false, prevents Touch ID from unlocking a device. Availability: Available in macOS 10.12.4 and later.[Not Checked]
Allow iTunes File SharingOptional. When false, the iTunes application file-sharing services are disabled. Availability: Available in macOS 10.13 and later.[Not Checked]
Allow Spotlight Internet ResultsSupervised only. If set to false, the Spotlight will not return Internet search results. Availability: Available in macOS 10.11 and later.[Not Checked]

Allow Definition LookupSupervised only. If set to false, disables definition lookup. Defaults to true. Availability: Available in macOS 10.11.2 and later.[Not Checked]

Allow Music ServiceSupervised only. If set to false, Music service is disabled and the Music app reverts to classic mode. Defaults to true. Availability: Available in macOS 10.12 and later.[Not Checked]

Allow Cloud Photo LibraryIf set to false, disables iCloud Photo Library. Any photos not fully downloaded from iCloud Photo Library to the device will be removed from local storage. Availability: Available in macOS 10.12 and later.[Not Checked]
Allow Auto UnlockIf set to false, disallows macOS auto-unlock. Defaults to true. Availability: Available only in macOS 10.12 and later.[Not Checked]
Allow Cloud Desktop And DocumentsIf set to false, disallows macOS cloud desktop and document services. Defaults to true. Availability: Available in macOS 10.12.4 and later.[Checked]
Allow Air PrintSupervised only. If set to false, disallow AirPrint. Defaults to true. Availability: Available only in macOS 10.13 and later.[Not Checked]

Force Air Print Trusted TLS RequirementSupervised only. If set to true, requires trusted certificates for TLS printing communication. Defaults to false. Availability: Available in macOS 10.13 and later.[Not Checked]

Allow Air Print iBeacon DiscoverySupervised only. If set to false, disables iBeacon discovery of AirPrint printers. This prevents spurious AirPrint Bluetooth beacons from phishing for network traffic. Defaults to true. Availability: Available in and macOS 10.13 and later.[Not Checked]

Force Delayed Software Updates

Supervised only. If set to true, delay user visibility of Software Updates. Defaults to false.
Availability: Available only in macOS 10.13.4 and later.

[Not Checked]

Enforced Software Update Delay

Supervised only. This restriction allows the admin to set how many days a software update on the device will be delayed. With this restriction in place, the user will not see a software update until the specified number of days after the software update release date.
The max is 90 days and the default value is 30.
Availability: Available only in macOS 10.13.4 and later.


macOS 10.13+ features

Allow Content CachingWhen false, this disallows content caching. Defaults to true [Checked]

macOS 10.14+ features

Force Classroom Automatically Join ClassesIf set to true, automatically give permission to the teacherʼs requests without prompting the student. Defaults to false. [Not Checked]

Force Classroom Request Permission To Leave ClassesIf set to true, a student enrolled in an unmanaged course via Classroom will request permission from the teacher when attempting to leave the course. Defaults to false. [Not Checked]

Force Classroom Unprompted App And Device LockIf set to true, allow the teacher to lock apps or the device without prompting the student. Defaults to false. [Not Checked]

Force Classroom Unprompted Screen ObservationIf set to true, and 'Screen Observation Permission Modification Allowed' is also true in the Education payload, a student enrolled in a managed course via the Classroom app will automatically give permission to that courseʼs teacherʼs requests to observe the studentʼs screen without prompting the student. Defaults to false. [Not Checked]

Allow Password AutoFillIf set to false, users will not be able to use the AutoFill Passwords feature on iOS and will not be prompted to use a saved password in Safari or in apps. If set to false[Checked]

Allow Password Proximity RequestsIf set to false, a userʼs device will not request passwords from nearby devices. Defaults to true. [Checked]

Allow Password SharingIf set to false, users can not share their passwords with the Airdrop Passwords feature. Defaults to true. [Checked]

For more information on specific features, refer to Apple’s documentation → Apple Configuration Profile Reference

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