How to Synchronize between Apple DEP and CapaInstaller

How to Synchronize between Apple DEP and CapaInstaller

Synchronize between Apple DEP and CapaInstaller

After adding a DEP Server, the system configures a global task to synchronize between Apple DEP and your DEP Servers in CapaInstaller periodically. The schedule of this task and which replicator should handle it, can be changed in System Administration > Global Tasks.

It is possible to trigger the synchronization manually as well, and you can synchronize either devices, profiles, or both. Navigate to Software Accounts > Apple Device Enrollment Programs and expand your DEP server.

  • Synchronize devices: Right-click "Devices" in the treeview, and select Synchronize with Apple.
  • Synchronize profiles: Right-click the Profiles" in the treeview, and select Synchronize with Apple.
  • Synchronize both: Right-click the Server, and select Synchronize with Apple.

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