How to Create a DEP Profile

How to Create a DEP Profile


This document describes how to create a DEP profile in the CapaInstaller Console.

DEP Profiles can be assigned to devices and contains a range of settings including which MDM service it should use to enroll in CapaInstaller during setup. They are stored in Apples Device Enrollment Program (DEP) and synchronized to CapaInstaller, where they can be found in System Administration under

Software Accounts > Apple Device Enrollment Programs > [your DEP Server] > Profiles


To create a new profile, start by right-clicking Profiles and select Create

For more information on specific features, refer to Apple’s DEP documentation.

An Enrollment URL is required, for the device to enroll during setup. The guide will generate this URL automatically when an MDM service and an Enrollment Configuration is selected.

If you have a profile with a URL that does not match either an MDM service or Enrollment Configuration in the system, the profile icon will contain a red x to indicate that the URL is invalid. This could happen if you have migrated from another system, or if either an Enrollment Configuration or MDM service was deleted.

Holding your mouse cursor over the warning icon will indicate how you may fix the problem

If there is no way of fixing the URL, it is recommended to remove the profile from any device and delete it from the console.

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