Create Profile

Create Profile


This function is used to create a new profile in the Default Managment Point. A default point is selected with Set default management point. If the new profile should be linked to a Business Unit,you can specify a businessUnitId.


Public Function CreateProfile
(name As String, description As String, priority As Integer, changelogComment As String) As Boolean


Name (String)

Name of the new Profile

Description (String)

Description of the new Profile

Priority (Integer)

Priority of the Profile

ChangelogComment (String)

A comment that will be added to the changelog entry on the proifile.

Return value

Returns a boolean value. True if succeeded, false if not.


Set oCMS = CreateObject("CapaInstaller.SDK") 
Wscript.echo oCMS.SetDatabaseSettings("ServerName", "CapaInstaller", False)
Wscript.echo oCMS.SetDefaultManagementPoint("2")
Wscript.echo oCMS.CreateProfile("Passcode", "Profile with passcode payloads", 400, "New profile from the sdk")

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