Delete Package
Delete Package
Deletes a package from the root point.
Public Function DeletePackage(ByVal PackageName As String, ByVal PackageVersion As String, ByVal UnitType As String, ByVal Force As Boolean) As Boolean
PackageName (String)
The name of the package.
PackageVersion (String)
The package Version.
PackageType (String)
The package type;
1 (Computer)
2 (User)
Force (Boolean)
Force deletion of the package regardless of any linked units, groups, or business units
Return Value
Boolean. The function returns true if the package is deleted, otherwise false.
The function will fail if the package is promoted to any child point
Set oCMS = CreateObject("CapaInstaller.SDK")
wscript.echo oCMS.SetDefaultManagementPoint("1")
wscript.echo oCMS.DeletePackage("Winrar","v3.0","1",True)
Available from
CapaInstaller 6.2, build 100