Mobile Device Management Service

Mobile Device Management Service

 MDM Service General information

 General information and status for the service...




Service status

Status of the Data Connection Service. Equivalent to services in the control panel.

Service Name

The name of the service used by the operating system.

Display name

The name you will see in services in the control panel.


Description of the service.

Startup type

The type of service. This can be either; automatic, manual, or disabled. The default value is automatic.

Last heartbeat

This is a timestamp for the last synchronization activity.

Path to executable

The full path to the program that is started by the service.

 MDM Service configuration options

 Configuration settings for the MDM service...


Service configurationDescription

The URL and port the service listens on.

Organization NameOrganization name displayed on managed devices
SCEP ServiceThe SCEP service used to enroll devices
Defaults to the same server as the target server
Front-end ServiceThe Front-end service used to deliver agent data too.
Back-end ServiceThe Back-end Service used to require entities from the database

Transfer Encryption Certificate

Certificate to secure CapaInstaller service communication
Apple Push Certificate

Certificate to enable data communication with the Apple Cloud

User Agreement

Text presented to a normal user when enrolling the device
Operator AgreementText presented to an operator when enrolling the device

On the Agreements tab, you can change the User and Operator agreements.

 Allowed Domains

 Configuring domains allowed when enrolling devices and user...



Allowed domains

List of domains allowed when enrolling devices and user

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