Restrictions Policy

Restrictions Policy


With this profile, you can allow or disallow a number of settings or features on an Android device. Some settings are relevant only for Android 10 or higher.

Android Platform and Restriction Policies

Android is a user-centric platform. The user of the device decides if he wants to turn on or off a feature.

When enrolled in an Endpoint Management System, the EMM manager can select which settings the user can control. In most cases, the EMM manager cannot select to turn on features or settings without user consent.

Allowing or disallowing a setting decides whether the user of the device can turn on/off a feature or setting.

Disallowing a feature or setting determine that it cannot be changed by the user. Allowing a setting determines the user can change the feature or setting.

Restriction Profiles

The following Profiles can be set using the Capaone Portal. It is not all of them that work on all Android devices, it depends on the make and model of the device, together whit the version of Android the device is running.

allowAddManagedProfile:'Allow Add Managed Profile',

allowAddUser:'Allow Add User',

allowAdjustVolume:'Allow Adjust Volume',

allowAirplaneMode:'Allow Air plane Mode',

allowAmbientDisplay:'Allow Ambient Display',

allowAndroidBeam:'Allow Android Beam',

allowAppsControl:'Allow Apps Control',

allowAudioRecording:'Allow Audio Recording',

allowAutoFill:'Allow Auto Fill',

allowBluetooth:'Allow Bluetooth',

allowBluetoothTethering:'Allow Bluetooth Tethering',

allowBrowserCookieSettings:'Allow Browser Cookie Settings',

allowBrowserJavaScriptSettings:'Allow Browser JavaScript Settings',

allowBrowserPopUpSettings:'Allow Browser PopUp Settings',

allowBrowserSecuritySettings:'Allow Browser Security Settings',

allowCellularData:'Allow Cellular Data',

allowClipboardShare:'Allow Clipboard Share',

allowConfigApplicationVerification:'Allow Config Application Verification',

allowConfigBrightness:'Allow Config Brightness',

allowConfigCellBroadcasts:'Allow Config Cell Broadcasts',

allowConfigCredentials:'Allow Config Credentials',

allowConfigLocale:'Allow Config Locale',

allowConfigLocation:'Allow Config Location'

allowConfigMobileNetworks:'Allow Config Mobile Networks',

allowConfigScreenTimeout:'Allow Config Screen Timeout',

allowCreateWindows:'Allow Create Windows',

allowCrossProfileCopyPaste:'Allow Cross Profile Copy-Paste',

allowDateTimeSetting:'Allow Date Time Setting',

allowDevelopmentMode:'Allow Development Mode',

allowEmergencyCallOnly:'Allow Emergency CallOnly:',

allowExternalStorageEncryption:'Allow External Storage Encryption',

allowFactoryReset:'Allow Factory Reset',

allowFirmwareUpdate:'Allow Firmware Update',

allowGeneralSettings:'Allow General Settings',

allowGoogleAccountAutoSync:'Allow Google Account Auto Sync',

allowHeadphones:'Allow Headphones',

allowIncomingMMS:'Allow Incoming MMS',

allowIncomingSMS:'Allow Incoming SMS',

allowInstallUnknownSources:'Allow Install Unknown Sources',

allowInteralStorageEncryption:'Allow Interal Storage Encryption',

allowLockscreenSettings:'Allow Lockscreen Settings',

allowLockscreenViews:'Allow Lockscreen Views',

allowMicrophone:'Allow Microphone',

allowMockLocation:'Allow Mock Location',

allowModifyAccounts:'Allow Modify Accounts',

allowMoveToSDCard:'Allow Move To SD-Card',

allowMTP:'Allow MTP',

allowNetworkReset:'Allow Network Reset',

allowNFC:'Allow NFC',

allowOTAUpgrade:'Allow OTA Upgrade',

allowOutgoingMMS:'Allow Outgoing MMS',

allowOutgoingSMS:'Allow Outgoing SMS',

allowParentProfileAppLinking:'Allow Parent Profile App Linking',

allowPrinting:'Allow Printing',

allowRemoveUser:'Allow Remove User',

allowRoamingData:'Allow Roaming Data',

allowRoamingPush:'Allow Roaming Push',

allowRoamingSync:'Allow Roaming Sync',

allowRoamingVoiceCalls:'Allow Roaming Voice Calls',

allowSafeModeBoot:'Allow Safe-Mode Boot',

allowSBeam:'Allow SBeam',

allowScreenCapture:'Allow Screen Capture',

allowScreenPinning:'Allow Screen Pinning',

allowSDCard:'Allow SD-Card',

allowSDCardWrite:'Allow SD-Card Write',

allowSetUserIcon:'Allow Set User Icon',

allowShareIntoManagedProfile:'Allow Share IntoManaged Profile',

allowShareLocation:'Allow Share Location',

allowSVoice:'Allow SVoice',

allowSystemErrorDialog:'Allow System Error Dialog',

allowTethering:'Allow Tethering',

allowUnifiedPassword:'Allow Unified Password',

allowUninstallApps:'Allow Uninstall Apps',

allowUSBDebug:'Allow USB Debug',

allowUSBHostStorage:'Allow USB Host Storage',

allowUserDataLimit:'Allow User Data Limit',

allowUserSwitch:'Allow User Switch',

allowVideoRecording:'Allow Video Recording',

allowVPN:'Allow VPN',

allowWallpaperChange:'Allow Wallpaper Change',

allowWiFi:'Allow WiFi',

allowWiFiDirect:'Allow WiFi Direct',

allowWiFiTethering:'Allow WiFi Tethering',

Example: Allowing Install from Unknown Sources

In Android, you need permission to install from unknown sources. You want to download and install an app manually but get an error that it is not permitted. When you check “Special app access”->”Install unknown apps”, it has been disabled.


Screen shot from an Android device

Screen shot from an Android device


NB! This may be different depending manufactor and Android version!

Open Settings → Apps and Notification → Advanced → Special App access → Install unknown app

Installing from any of those apps are not allowed (disabled)


Step-by-step Guide

Follow this guide to allow installing from unknown sources.

Android Restrictions Policy


Android Restrictions Policy



Logon CapaOne for CapaInstaller


Select Profiles and click Create Profile



Click in Policies and select Restriction Policy

Click in Support Platforms and select Android



Click +Add Item to select and policy



Select the wanted restriction

In this example “Allow Install Unknown Sources”



Name the Policy and click Save



Synchronize CapaOne in Console, Select Import from CapaOne

Select OK



Link the profile to the device



On the device

Now it’s possible for user to change the setting



To change the setting, click on the needed app and slide the bar to the right allow it

It’s now possible to download an install from Chrome



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