CapaOne Reliability

CapaOne Reliability

The Reliability main dashboard


The Reliability dashboard is a feature that allows you to view the stability history of all the computers in your organization. The reliability is calculated based on event logs constantly collected from the computers.

This version of the feature supports two types of events:

  • Application events are related to Windows system components - such as drivers, built-in interface elements, etc.

  • System events are related to programs installed on the system.

In addition, each event is categorized by severity as Critical, Error, Warning, or Informational, making distinguishing between good and problematic events easy.

Not only does reliability allow you to monitor the general reliability of all computers in your organization, but it also allows you to drill down and analyze the reliability of a specific computer. With this feature, you can quickly identify the problems your computer(s) have encountered and get your system back to optimal reliability.

Reliability Score

The Reliability Score is a number value that indicates your computer's stability. A computer's stability directly impacts the user's productivity; thus, it is essential to know the reliability of computers across your organization. The reliability score is indexed from 1 to 10. As the number and severity of errors increase, the reliability score decreases. Your goal is to keep the reliability score as high as possible.

Reliability Score Chart

The Reliability Score Chart gives a historical view of the reliability score. The blue line displays the average reliability score; the four colors indicate your computer's stability. When you view the reliability for all computers, the displayed reliability score is the average reliability score of all your computers.

Hovering over any time on the chart will display:

  • Time period: The time for the reliability score you are hovering over.

  • Average Reliability Score: The average reliability score for all computers.

  • Reliability Score Range The lowest and the highest reliability score among the computers.

  • Device Count: The number of computers included in the calculations in that period.

Furthermore, you can click any time on the chart to drill down and restrict the result to that specific time.

Reliability Score Pie Chart

The Reliability Pie Chart gives a quick overview of the distribution of the stability of your computers. You will get a list of all the computers under the given stability level by clicking on any color on the pie chart.


Reliability is based on records of your system and application event logs. The event logs are recorded to help you troubleshoot issues. In addition, the severity categorization of the events helps quickly reveal the cause of the reduction in the computer's level of stability.

Event Bar Chart

The Event Bar Chart is a chart that gives an overview of the distribution of events over a period of time. Each bar shows the events for each four-event severity: Critical, Error, Warning, and Informational.

Hovering over any time on the bar chart will display:

  • Time period: The time period for the reliability score you are hovering over.

  • Critical: The number of critical events in the given time period.

  • Error: The number of error events in the given time period.

  • Warning: The number of warning events in the given time period.

  • Informational: The number of informational events in the given time period.

  • Affected Devices: The number of affected devices in the given time period.

Furthermore, you can click on any time on the bar chart to drill down and restrict the result to that specific time.

Severity Box

The Severity Boxes display the number of events for each of the four severities and the number of affected devices for each severity.

You can click on each box to only see events for that specific severity.

Agent Severity List

The Agent Severity Lists are four lists, each displaying a rank of the top 10 devices with the most events within the given severity.

You can click on any device from the list to filter everything by that device.

Event Pie Chart

When you drill down on a specific severity or device, the Event Pie Chart appears.

The pie chart has to do with the source of the events. It shows how significant a portion of the events each source constitutes.

You can click on any source in the pie chart to filter by that source.

Event List

The Event List is a list that displays all the events.

The list gives the following information:

  • Time: The time the event was logged.

  • Device: The device on which the event was logged on.

  • Level: The level of the severity of the event.

  • Id: The id of the event.

  • Source: The name of the software that logs the event.

  • Description: A description of the logged event.


When using reliability, you can always apply filters to focus on the relevant events.

There are numerous filter options; the way to access them is by clicking the filter icon in the upper right corner. For example, clicking opens a filter section with four filter options:

  • Search: The search bar is a full-text search that filters the events and is solely based on the description of the event log.

  • Log Type: The Log Type filter is a drop-down that allows you to filter the events by application and system events.

  • Source: The Source filter is a drop-down allowing you to filter the events by any sources present in the events.

  • ID: The ID filter is a drop-down allowing you to filter the events by any IDs present in the events at hand.

In addition, you can click on a device from the Agent Severity List to filter by agent and/or a Severity Box to filter by that severity.

Time Period and Detailed View

In the top right corner, you can specify one of 4 time periods that you want to see events for:

  • Today

  • Three days

  • Seven days

  • One month

You can also view Reliability in Summary or Detailed mode. Detailed mode splits all the event data into Application and System event types, while Summary mode merges the result.