Allocate More Memory to Services

Allocate More Memory to Services

The PerformanceGuard services—the Frontend server, Backend Server and Web Server services—are allocated a certain amount of memory (by default a minimum of 2048 MB and a maximum of 4096 MB).
If you experience performance problems, and you have sufficient memory available, you can allocate more memory to each of the services in Windows' Registry Editor:

  1. On the computer on which the required service in installed, click Start, type regedit and press ENTER.
  2. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/Apache Software Foundation/Procrun 2.0 and then expand the folder that represents the required service: pgbackend, pgdisplay (that is the Web Server service) or pgfrontend. Then expand the Java folder.
  3. The element JvmMs controls the minimum memory usage of the service. JvmMx controls the maximum memory usage of the service, so it's typically this element that you want to modify.

    Right-click the required element and select Modify...

  4. Overwrite the number in the Value data field with the required number. Note that you can view the number in hexadecimal as well as decimal format.
  5. Click OK. Repeat as required for the other services.

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