After Upgrade PerformanceGuard Behaves Strangely

After Upgrade PerformanceGuard Behaves Strangely

Symptom: After you have upgraded PerformanceGuard to a new version, the PerformanceGuard web interface looks strange (old icons, etc.) and/or you get error messages because the web interface can't connect to the PerformanceGuard Backend and Frontend servers.

Possible Causes & Solutions

This can happen if PerformanceGuard cache and work folders were not cleaned up before you started the new version of PerformanceGuard.

To clean up the folders:

  1. Select  /Start, type services.msc, press ENTER and stop the PerformanceGuard Backend Server, Frontend Server and Web Server services.
  2. Go to [PerformanceGuard installation folder]\collector\cache\ and delete all files in that folder.

  3. Go to [PerformanceGuard installation folder]\display\work\ and delete all files in that folder.

  4. Delete the log files in the following folders:
    • [PerformanceGuard installation folder]\collector\logs\

    • [PerformanceGuard installation folder]\display\logs\

    • [PerformanceGuard installation folder]\notification\work\

  5. Select   /Start, type services.msc, press ENTER and start the PerformanceGuard Backend Server, Frontend Server and Web Server services again.

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