Event List
Event List
- Martin Moghadam
- Joachim Hansen
Owned by Martin Moghadam
To view occurred events in a detailed list format, select REPORTING > Events, and then select the Event List tab.
- Select required location.
- Select required severity level.
- Select required event category.
- Select required event type.
- Select required event rule. Event rules control the triggering of events based on threshold violations. An event rule is essentially the combination of a threshold value and a location to apply the rule to. If any computer at the location exceeds the threshold, an event will be created from each of the violating computers.
- Select the required Interval (that is the period of time that you want to cover). If the predefined intervals don't suit you, select Custom to specify your own interval.
- Click the Update button.
Click computer names in the table's Computer column to view details about the computer on which an event has occurred. Likewise, click information in the Event Rule column to view details about the event rule that triggered an event.
If required, you can add the content to a report, or you can export it as an Excel (.xls) file.
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