I Want to Know Who Generates IP Traffic

I Want to Know Who Generates IP Traffic

Do you suspect that something is eating up your bandwidth? Or do you simply want to know if a particular application or location generates a lot of traffic? Would you like to know when traffic occurs? PerformanceGuard provides the answers:

Which Applications Generate Most IP Traffic?

In PerformanceGuard an application consists of a server/port combination, for example server.organization.org on TCP port 80 (HTTP).

The IP Traffic by Application time view graph (ANALYZE > Graphs > Time View > IP Traffic by application) shows which applications generated IP traffic, and when they did it. You can view this data for combinations of all servers and ports, groups of servers and ports, and individual servers and ports.

The graph is also available in a trend view variant. It contains the same type of information, but the trend variant is more suitable if you want to view data from more than the last few days.
If you simply want to find out if a particular program (such as Skype) generates a lot of traffic, it is often easier to look for the process (such as skype.exe) instead. See Which Processes Generate Most IP Traffic? in the following.

Which Processes Generate Most IP Traffic?

  1. The quick overview: The Load Overview (ANALYZE > Overview > IP Traffic > Load Overview) is a pie chart that very quickly lets you find the processes that are responsible for the largest amounts of IP traffic. When you generate the pie chart, try to select Type = Processes and Data type = Load (Sent + Received Bytes).
  2. The details: The Process Traffic hotspot (ANALYZE > Overview > HotSpots > Process Traffic) provides detailed data about traffic-generating processes, and you can drill down to view details about which servers the process communicated with as well as details about which computers and user accounts ran a given process.
  3. The timing aspect: The IP Traffic by Process graph (ANALYZE > Graphs > Time View > IP Traffic by process) is ideal when you want to check if certain processes generate traffic at specific times. You can view this for all servers, for groups of servers, or for individual servers.

Which Locations Generate Most IP Traffic?

The IP Traffic by Location time view graph (ANALYZE > Graphs > Time View > IP Traffic by location) shows which locations that generated IP traffic, and when they did it. You can view this for individual servers and ports that the locations have communicated with.

The graph is also available in a trend view variant. It contains the same type of information, but the trend variant is more suitable if you want to view data from more than the last few days.
If you want to compare locations, select all the locations you require in the graph's Agents list. Don't simply select All agents because that won't let you view the traffic generated by individual locations.

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