Troubleshooting WSUS Server

Troubleshooting WSUS Server


CapaInstaller has direct integration with WSUS Server. This troubleshooting article will take you through different solutions to problems that have been seen in the real world.

 Solution 1 - Get the WSUS Service to resync

This Solution will trigger a Resync of the PM Service

  1. Go to System Administration.

  2. Navigate to Patch Management.

  3. Open the settings for the Patch Management service and make a note of the URL in the WSUS tab.

  4. Right-click on the Patch Management service and select Remove.

  5. Choose Unregister only.

  6. Right-click on the Patch Management service again.

  7. Create a new PM service and enter the same URL you noted from the old service.

  8. Deploy the new PM service.

This will trigger a complete resynchronization of data between the CapaInstaller PM service and WSUS.

 Solution 2 - Move The Wsus Service

This Solution will move the Patch Management service from one Location to another

Before You Begin open following ports to in the firewall

SMB 135/TCP*
SMB 445/TCP*

The Ports marked whit (*) are only during setup

You also have to open ports from WSUS server to the Capa Database

  1. Go to System Administration.

  2. Navigate to Patch Management.

  3. Right-click on the Patch Management service and select Remove.

  4. Choose Unregister only.

  5. Right-click on the Patch Management service again.

  6. Choose Create a new Patch Management.

  7. Write the Wsus server url under internal if using HTTP and under Public If using HTTPS Example(Http://servernamehere.domain.local:8530). 8530 is standard port for Http. And 8531 for HTTPS.

  8. Also check the box : This Server Replaces another Patch Management Service.

  9. Deploy the new PM service.

This will deploy a new Service to the Server specefied in the url

When The service is deployed a sync will start too sync all the Existing content to the new PM Service this can take op to 24 hours


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