Troubleshooting WSUS Server
CapaInstaller has direct integration with WSUS Server. This troubleshooting article will take you through different solutions to problems that have been seen in the real world.
Solution 1 - Get the WSUS Service to resync
This Solution will trigger a Resync of the PM Service
Go to System Administration.
Navigate to Patch Management.
Open the settings for the Patch Management service and make a note of the URL in the WSUS tab.
Right-click on the Patch Management service and select Remove.
Choose Unregister only.
Right-click on the Patch Management service again.
Create a new PM service and enter the same URL you noted from the old service.
Deploy the new PM service.
This will trigger a complete resynchronization of data between the CapaInstaller PM service and WSUS.
Solution 2 - Move The Wsus Service
This Solution will move the Patch Management service from one Location to another
Before You Begin open following ports to in the firewall
SMB 135/TCP*
SMB 445/TCP*
The Ports marked whit (*) are only during setup
You also have to open ports from WSUS server to the Capa Database
Go to System Administration.
Navigate to Patch Management.
Right-click on the Patch Management service and select Remove.
Choose Unregister only.
Right-click on the Patch Management service again.
Choose Create a new Patch Management.
Write the Wsus server url under internal if using HTTP and under Public If using HTTPS Example(Http://servernamehere.domain.local:8530). 8530 is standard port for Http. And 8531 for HTTPS.
Also check the box : This Server Replaces another Patch Management Service.
Deploy the new PM service.
This will deploy a new Service to the Server specefied in the url
When The service is deployed a sync will start too sync all the Existing content to the new PM Service this can take op to 24 hours
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