Known issues 6.3.104

Issue #DescriptionFixed
PG-9085IE filter must be case in-sensitive 
PG-9020The agent occasionally connects a wrong NIC 
PG-8944High retransmissiontime 
PG-8683Double agent detection across multiple frontend servers defect                                                              
PG-8146In rare cases the agent uses 100% CPU 
PG-9357Techmanual CustomCounters section shall be updated 


Furthermore, an issue has been discovered, where e-mails with reports do not get sent out. Instead the report e-mails queue up on the backend server.

This issue is caused by non URL-safe characters in the short report name.

To fix this issue, edit the short name of the report, so it does not contain characters, that will not work in a URL (space, etc)

Either delete the unsent e-mails from the database table pguard.notificationlist, or alter their 'parameter' in the DB, so the filename does not contain illegal (in URLs) characters, and corresponds to the filenames, that must also be edited.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: (I you have upgraded to 6.3.104, fresh installations are not affected)

An issue has been discovered, which results in missing database updates, when upgrading from earlier versions. This issue does not affect fresh installations of Performance Guard 6.3.104.

Users affected from this upgrade glitch will start with experiencing empty CPU Usage Charts (no values are graphed). After a while, the Frontend service(s) will loose connection to Database and Backend, and display an error screen on the web front page: 'Performance Guard has lost the connection to all of its frontend servers and to all of its agents. No data or events can be generated.'


Stop the Frontend service in Windows Service Manager

Log in to your Frontend SQL database with credentials for the frontend.

Execute this script: (can be downloaded here)

EXEC ('alter table agent_total_counters alter column paging_low_free bigint')
EXEC ('alter table agent_total_counters alter column paging_average_free bigint')
EXEC ('alter table agent_total_counters alter column virtual_memory_low bigint')
EXEC ('alter table agent_total_counters alter column virtual_memory_average bigint')
EXEC ('alter table agent_total_counters alter column peak_context_switches bigint')
EXEC ('alter table agent_total_counters alter column average_context_switches bigint')

Start the Frontend service again in Windows Service Manager.


This hotfix must be applied to all your existing PG Frontend servers.