Filter Clients

Filter Clients


When working with Clients you need some kind of filter to create a group of Clients. These filters can be used in views and workflows. You can use Filters on the following categories. To create a list of Clients.

  • Device information

  • Hardware information

  • Software information

When filtering objects, you can save these. And use these in views and Workflows.

Access to filters is done through the menu :

When pressing this button, a new window appears.

When you click the + sign. You can choose between the different objects within these categories.

See a list of available objects here.

Once you have created your Filter. This can be saved for future use.


You also have the option for managing and applying saved Filters through.

Which gives you the following options:


When pressing Apply filter, you get a list of saved filters


When you click the + sign, the selected filter is applied to the view.

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