Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge

As of November 10, 2022, Microsoft Edge can no longer be uninstalled with the packages supplied by CapaPacks.

We have identified issues with the uninstall procedure of Microsoft Edge, when the MSI-based enterprise installer has been used to upgrade.

The following operating systems are confirmed to be affected.

  • Windows 10 21H1

  • Windows 10 21H2

  • Windows 10 22H2

  • Windows 11 21H2

  • Windows 11 22H2

As a result, we have decided to remove the uninstall functionality from all future packages of Microsoft Edge.

Microsoft Edge is pre-installed as a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app in Windows 10 20H2 and newer.

When Microsoft Edge is upgraded with the MSI-based enterprise installer, it's actually the UWP app that's upgraded - which probably causes the issues with the uninstall procedure.

As you can see from the screenshots below, the uninstall button doesn't even exist before the upgrade with the enterprise installer, and the uninstall procedure does not work from the Windows UI.

Before upgrade with the enterprise installer (pre-installed)
After upgrade with the enterprise installer

Universal Windows Platform apps were formerly known as Windows Apps, Modern Apps and Metro Apps.

Microsoft will automatically update Microsoft Edge with Windows Update and progressive rollouts.