Software deployment steps

Software deployment steps


Working with Software Deployment you will typically proceed as follows:




When you have a new piece of software to distribute, you start by designing a new installation package for it with CapaInstaller Package Creator. You might also use CapaInstaller ezMSI to help create more efficient packages for installing older or very specialized software that uses unusual (non-MSI) installation technologies.


The Package Creator will upload the package to the Configuration Management Point chosen, and add it to the CapaInstaller Database.


Use Configuration Management to establish the set of computers (or users, if it is a user package) for which the package should run. You can also assign a schedule, control its replication to other Management Servers, and configure other settings for the package as required.


On the next CapaInstaller Replicator run, your package assignments are converted into commands for each relevant client. These commands are stored as files in the Management Server used by each client.


The CapaInstaller Agent, which must be installed on each client and runs according to the schedule established there, checks its assigned Management Server to see if any new packages are waiting for its client. If so, the Agent downloads and runs the package.
The Agent then returns a status message, again by writing a file to the Management Server. Inventory information is also gathered and saved in files on the Management Server.


On the next CapaInstaller Replicator run, all status and inventory messages returned by the various agents are collected by the Replicator and used to update the database.


You can now use Configuration Management to view the new status information and use the CapaInstaller Reporter to generate reports showing the latest installation and inventory status.

If you want to learn how to create a package from Configuration Management Create a Package.

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