Getting started with Patch Management

Getting started with Patch Management


The following is a description of the steps that you have to go through to set up PM.




1Install WSUS Server 3.0Install WSUS Server 3.0 or Enable WSUS on Windows Server 2012 or newer eg. WSUS in Windows Server 2012


Setting up the options

For further details, Patch Management options.  

3Create a root pointCreate the root point, which could be your company name or CapaInstaller.
4Create a child pointCreate a child point, it could be Servers, Computers, or more specific.
5Create groupsCreate staged groups below each point. It could be Dev, Test, and Production.
6Setup categories and classificationsSetup which categories and classifications for each point, to be displayed in the program.
7Setup Update approvalApproval rulesConfigure Update approval rules for each point


Assigning updates

Approve updates to learn how.


Daily operation

The required daily operations depend on the processes and procedures created.

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