Create a new OS Deployment server

Create a new OS Deployment server


The following is a description of how to create an OS Deployment server. If the PXE server is NOT created at this point, the TFTPD path must be entered in a separate form. In this description it is assumed that the PXE server has been created.


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When using a NAS box as OSD server, the syncronization service will 
create an account on the server, if this server is a domain controller, 
this account must be granted at least server operator permissions, otherwise 
sync will not work. 
When using a workgroup server with UAC enabled, you cannot use an administrative 
user, you must specify the administrator account or disable UAC. 


When an OS Deployment server is created, the following shares

are created:



OS Deployment

This share contains the CapaInstaller OS Deployment client, models, drivers, configuration and the images. The share is used by the OS Loader when the client is in the Windows PE environment. By default, the user that has been configured to log on (OS deployment point configuration) will be granted access to this share.


This share contains the Trivial FTP daemon. The share contains the Windows PE client. The content is synchronized from the OS Deployment point by the synchronization service. The service is created as a system service and therefore the domain computer is granted access to this share.


When an OS Deployment server is created, the following services 
are installed:




The synchronization service synchronizes components from the OS Deployment point to the OS Deployment server. The synchronization service is dependent on Microsoft .net 2.0 framework.
The service maintains a log file located in %ProgramFiles%\CapaInstaller\Logs\Services.

Installation service

The installation service installs the synchronization service and the Microsoft .net 2.0 framework.
The service maintains a log file located in %ProgramFiles%\CapaInstaller\Logs\Services.

Read more about OS Deployment servers.

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