Synchronization service command line syntax
The ciSync service can basically be started in two ways; with the Net start command or the sc <computer> start command.
Either way, the commands can be altered with arguments. By supplying /? as an argument, the log file is filled with a description of the various possibilities. After showing the parameter syntax, the service stops.
Parameter syntax:
sc [\\computer] start cisync [/debug|/d] [/skipupdate] [/skipreopenports] [/skipcertificatebinding] [/skiploopbacktest] [/deletebeforesync] [/retries=<##>] [/runschedules] [/run=<jobid>[dev:,jobid][dev:..] [/auto] [/priority=low|dev:normal|high|foreground] [/raiselogevents] [/publicurl=<url>] [/startupdelay] [/set|dev:clear]
Parameter | Description |
/debug or /d | Run the service in debug mode. |
/skipupdate | Skips the update of cisync from parent servers. |
/skipreopenports | Skips the reopening of closed/disabled firewall ports after initialization. |
/skipcertificatebindings | Skips the binding of SSL certificate to the HTTPS port (if used). |
/skiploopbacktest | Skips the loopback test of opened servicehosts. |
/deletebeforesync | Deletes obsolete and updateable files on the target before syncing the package if that will leave enogh free space to complete the package. |
/retries=1-100 | Number of retries on broken connections before trying alternatives. Default is 10. |
/runschedules | Runs all scheduled jobs regardless of Last run time. |
/run=jobid[dev:,jobid] | Runs one or more jobs immedeately. |
/auto | Automatically propagates incoming jobs to all childservers upon completion. Currently available for cms jobs only. |
/priority=low|normal|high|foreground] | Forces all jobs to run with this priority. |
/raiselogevents | Duplicates the writing of the logfile ciSync.log to the parent server. This is default when connected on a public URL. The file name is %programfiles%\CapaInstaller\Logs\Services\<fqdn>\ciSync_child_<fqdn>.log |
/publicurl=url | Adds or changes the public URL for the parent server. |
/startupdelay=1-3600 | Adds a delay (in seconds) before initializing the service. This argument has no other functionality and is primarily meant for debugging purposes. |
/set | Saves the stated arguments in the registry database. From there they will be used as default arguments. |
/clear | Clears the default arguments from the registry database. |
sc start cisync /run=293,221 /d
Start the service, and run the two jobs with job id's 293 and 221. Run in debug mode
sc \\srvsql start cisync /runschedules /priority=high
Start the service on SRVSQL, and run all scheduled jobs with high priority
sc start cisync /d /set
Start the service in debug mode, and set debug mode as default