Reinstall a computer

Reinstall a computer


From Configuration Management you can schedule a computer to be reinstalled using OS Deployment settings. These settings are required in order to set up a computer to be reinstalled.
A new name for the computer can be specified, and it can be scheduled to occur at a time where it isn’t being used after work hours. If it is more urgent it can be configured to reinstall the computer the next time the CapaInstaller Agent runs.




This will be the name of the computer after reinstalling it.

Schedule Type

You can choose between two schedule types.

  • At the next agent rerun
  • Custom schedule

    While configuring a custom schedule you will be able to include an, wake on LAN request.


Choose whether or not the user needs to confirm the reinstall.

OS Deployment points

The OS Point being used.

OS Deployment servers

A server on the OS Point selected.


An Operating System on the OS Point selected.

Disk configuration

A Disk Configuration on the OS Point selected.

Installation type

An Installation Type. This is not mandatory.


While this is unchecked the computer will not be reinstalled.

Unlink all advertised packages

Choose whether or not all installed advertised packages should be unlinked from the computer.

Unlink all packages and groups

Choose whether or not the computer should be unlinked from all groups and packages. Checking this will disable the option regarding advertised packages.

Change description

The custom comment that will be added to the changelog.




Open CM/find the computer to reinstall, right-click, and click Reinstall.


Fill out the fields above.


Click OK.


If the Custom schedule has been selected, the settings will be saved and the schedule window will open, enabling you to create a custom schedule that defines when the reinstall should occur.

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