Report item

Report item

A report item is the items you can include in a report. It can be hardware inventory, software, user inventory, logon inventory, updates or packages. Each of the report items will appear as a column in the final report.



Hardware inventory

Hardware inventory report item can be total memory, hard drive, monitor, operating system


Information about software used on computers

User inventory

User inventory is information the user, it can be account expire date, department, first name, password change etc.

Logon inventoryLogon inventory is information about who is logged on a computer and for how long.
UpdatesUpdates is information about when an update was installed and how many retries have been made to install it.
PackagesIs information about the status of a package, when it was installed, and when the status was last changed.

If you want to...

You can...

Create a custom made report

Create a report to see how.

Preview a report

Preview a report to see how.

See recent reports

File/Recent reports, a list of the recently used reports will show.

Setup Columns

Column setup to see how.

Export to reporting services

Deploy to reporting services to see how.

Change column order

Reporting column order to see how.

Define report criteria

Define report criteria to see how.

Open an existing report

Open an existing report to see how.

Preview a report

Preview a report to see how.

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