Home Screen Layout
With this profile, you can arrange the order of shortcuts on the Home screen and Dock.
Apple Developer Documentation
This profile will work only on a Supervised iOS device with iOS 9 or newer on an Supervised iPad with iPadOS 13 or newer.
This is a payload profile sent to the device. When removing the payload, the arrangement of the icons will go back to default.
The number of shortcuts in the Dock may change from device to device.
Step-by-step Guide
This guide describes how to create the profile, import it into the console, and link it to a device.
1. | Logon https://mdm.capaone.com |
| Select Profiles and click Create Profile
3. | Click in the Policies field and select HomeScreen Layout Policy Click in the Supported Platforms field and select iOS
4. | Click +Add Item on Pages or Dock and select an item Any number of items can be arranged on the Home Page, but in the Dock only up to five items can be arranged. Some items cannot be shown in Dock. Pages:
5. | Name the Profile and Click Save
6. | In CapaInstaller Console, open Configuration Management and select Profiles. Right click on Profiles and select Import from CapaOne
7. | Select OK
8. | The profile is imported in to the Console NB! It’s Read-only profile, changes must be made on CapaOne Portal and imported again. Link it to a device and check the shortcuts on the Home Screen and Dock are arranged the selected way.
9. | On the iPad Safari was arranged to be first icon on the Home Screen and Setting and then Camera in the Dock