Agent Upgrade

Agent Upgrade

If You Upgrade from Agent Version 5.x or Older

  1. Remove the old PerformanceGuard agent version (computer restart not required).

    The agent ID won't be removed from the computer's registry when the agent is removed. Therefore, the agent will retain its agent ID when you install the new version.

  2.  Install the new PerformanceGuard agent version in exactly the same way as you would do on a first-time installation.

If You Upgrade from Agent Version 6.0.x or Newer

Install or deploy the new PerformanceGuard agent version. You don't need to remove the previously installed agent first.

If You Upgrade to Agent Version 7.4

You don't need to remove the previously installed agent first.

Custom Encryption is optional when upgrading Agent.

When upgrading following the:

  • Installing procedure: You can add PerformanceGuard parameters including enabling Custom Encryption exactly the same way as you would do on an installation.
  • Silent Installation: AES Encryption Key can also be added when upgrading using the command line.

We recommend using the Custom Encryption features as it encrypts all the communication between the (collector) Frontend and the Backend.

If You Upgrade to Agent Version 8.2

You don't need to remove the previously installed agent before upgrading.

You can get the latest version by using the new "Agent Updater" in PerformanceGuard. 

Using the "Download/Install Agent"-page in PerformanceGuard you can download/install the latest agent using a generated PowerShell Command.

  • Auto Update Agent: By toggling the auto update feature ON in the "Configurations" tab in PerformanceGuard, it will automatically check for an agent update using the task manager.
    • It's set to check for a newer version of the agent every 14 days as default.
    • You can also run the task manually by opening your task manager and clicking "run" on the update task.
  • Log Installation: If you use the generated PowerShell command from PerformanceGuard you can create a log file of the installation.
  • Download Agent from PerformanceGuard: You can now use PerformanceGuard to download the latest version of the Agent in your browser.
  • Download and Install the latest Agent Using a Generated PowerShell Command: Use PerformanceGuard to generate a download/install string to run in PowerShell. More information: Download/Install Latest Agent from PerformanceGuard

Note: Installation using the generated string requires PowerShell

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