Server Installer Command Line Parameters

Server Installer Command Line Parameters

It is not recommended to install server from the command line.

Optional Parameters and Values

  1. INSTALLFOLDER: Full file system path to the folder where you want PerformanceGuard to be installed. Default value: %ProgramFiles% (usually C:\Program Files)

Frontend Server Options

  1. FE_DB_HOST: Hostname or IP address of the SQL Server that should be used for the PerformanceGuard Frontend server database. Default value: localhost

If your SQL server uses another port than the default port 1433, you can add the port number after the server address. Example: localhost:6789
If you want to use a particular instance on your SQL Server, you can add the instance name after the server address, separated by a backslash. You can also combine instance and port information if required. Examples: localhost\instance or localhost\instance:6789

  1. FE_DATADIR: Path to the folder in which the Frontend server's database should be installed. Default value is <Server default>, which means that the SQL server's default database folder will be used.
  2. FE_LOGDIR: Path to the folder in which the Frontend server's database transaction log files should reside. Default value is <Server default>, which means that the SQL server's default log folder will be used.
  3. FE_DB_NAME: Name of Frontend server database. Default value: pguardfe
  4. FE_DB_FILESIZE: Initial database file size limit (in MB) for the Frontend server's data files. Default value: 500
  5. FE_DB_INCSIZE: Database file size increment limit (in MB) for the Frontend server's data files. Default value: 1000
  6. FE_DB_AUTH: Authentication method for the Frontend server database. 1 = SQL Server authentication, 2 = Windows authentication.

Example: FE_DB_AUTH = 1 means that SQL Server authentication must be used for the Frontend server database.

  1. FE_DB_USER: User name that should be used to access the Frontend server's database. Default value: pguardfe
  2. FE_DB_PASSWORD: Password that should be used to access the Frontend server's database.
  3. FE_DB_DOMAIN: Domain that the Frontend server database user belongs to.

This parameter is only relevant if you use Windows authentication. Don't use this parameter with SQL Server authentication.

  1. FE_DB_SA_AUTH: Authentication method for the SQL Server's system administrator (sa) account when installing the Frontend server database. 1 = SQL Server authentication, 2 = Windows authentication.

Example: FE_DB_SA_AUTH = 1 means that SQL Server authentication must be used for the system administrator (sa) user.

  1. FE_DB_SA_USER: User name for the SQL Server's system administrator (sa) account. Default value: sa
  2. FE_DB_SA_PASSWORD: Password for the SQL Server's system administrator (sa) account.
  3. FE_DB_SA_DOMAIN: Domain that the SQL Server's system administrator (sa) account belongs to.

This parameter is only relevant if you use Windows authentication. Don't use this parameter with SQL Server authentication.

  1. FE_SERVICE_USER: The user account that runs the PerformanceGuard Frontend Server service.

Example: ourcompany\serveradmin

  1. FE_SERVICE_PASSWORD: Password of the user account that runs the PerformanceGuard Frontend Server service.

Backend Server Options

  1. BE_DISPLAY_HOST: Hostname or IP address of the computer that runs the PerformanceGuard backend server. Default value: localhost
  2. BE_DB_HOST: Hostname or IP address of the SQL Server that should be used for the backend server database. Default value: localhost

If your SQL server uses another port than the default port 1433, you can add the port number after the server address. Example: localhost:6789
If you want to use a particular instance on your SQL Server, you can add the instance name after the server address, separated by a backslash. You can also combine instance and port information if required. Examples: localhost\instance or localhost\instance:6789

  1. BE_DATADIR: Path to the folder in which the Backend server's database should be installed. Default value is <Server default>, which means that the SQL server's default database folder will be used.
  2. BE_LOGDIR: Path to the folder in which the Backend server's database transaction log files should reside. Default value is <Server default>, which means that the SQL server's default log folder will be used.
  3. BE_DB_NAME: Name of Backend server database. Default value: pguard
  4. BE_DB_AUTH: Authentication method for the Backend server database. 1 = SQL Server authentication, 2 = Windows authentication.

Example: BE_DB_AUTH = 1 means that SQL Server authentication must be used for the Backend server database.

  1. BE_DB_USER: SQL Server user name that should be used to access the Backend server's database. Default value: pguard
  2. BE_DB_PASSWORD: SQL Server password that should be used to access the Backend server's database.
  3. BE_DB_DOMAIN: Domain that the Backend server database user belongs to.

This parameter is only relevant if you use Windows authentication. Don't use this parameter with SQL Server authentication.

  1. BE_DB_SA_AUTH: Authentication method for the SQL Server's system administrator (sa) account when installing the Backend server database. 1 = SQL Server authentication, 2 = Windows authentication.

Example: BE_DB_SA_AUTH = 1 means that SQL Server authentication must be used for the system administrator (sa) user.

  1. BE_DB_SA_USER: User name for the SQL Server's system administrator (sa) account. Default value: sa
  2. BE_DB_SA_PASSWORD: Password for the SQL Server's system administrator (sa) account.
  3. BE_DB_SA_DOMAIN: Domain that the SQL Server's system administrator (sa) account belongs to.

This parameter is only relevant if you use Windows authentication. Don't use this parameter with SQL Server authentication.

  1. BE_SERVICE_USER: The user account that runs the PerformanceGuard Backend Server service.

Example: ourcompany\serveradmin

  1. BE_SERVICE_PASSWORD: Password of the user account that runs the PerformanceGuard Backend Server service.

Combined Frontend Server/Backend Server Options

  1. BACKEND_HOSTNAME: The Backend server hostname that the Frontend server should use when connecting to the Backend server. Default value: localhost
  2. BACKEND_PORT: The TCP port on which the Backend server will accept connections from the Frontend server. Default value: 4008
  3. BACKEND_CONNECTIONS: The maximum number of connections that the Frontend server should open against the Backend server. Default value: 10
  4. BACKEND_TIMEOUT: The number of seconds after which the Frontend server/Backend server sockets will time out. Default value: 90000

Web Interface Options
The following options relate to the PerformanceGuard web server service that runs the PerformanceGuard web interface.

  1. MERLINPORT: The primary TCP port that the PerformanceGuard web server should use: Default value: 80
  2. PGUARDPORT: The secondary TCP port that the PerformanceGuard web server should use: Default value: 81
  3. PGUARDSECURE: Determines whether the PerformanceGuard web server should use HTTPS or not. Set to true if the PerformanceGuard web server should use HTTPS, set to false to use HTTP for the web server. Default value: false

Examples of installation commands

The following are examples only, your actual installation command will depend on what you want to achieve.

Install PerformanceGuard with Backend and Frontend server databases, and log the installation progress in the file install.log:

PerformanceGuardServer.exe /exenoui /exelog bootstrapper.log /i // /l*v install.log /qn ^
BE_DB_HOST="localhost" BE_SA_USER="sa" BE_DB_SA_PASSWORD="sa" BE_DB_USER="pguard" BE_DB_PASSWORD="password" ^
FE_DB_HOST="localhost" FE_SA_USER="sa" FE_DB_SA_PASSWORD="sa" FE_DB_USER="pguardfe" FE_DB_PASSWORD="password" ^

Upgrade PerformanceGuard with Backend and Frontend server databases, and log the installation progress in the file install.log:

PerformanceGuardServer.exe /exenoui /exelog bootstrapper.log /i // /l*v install.log /qn ^
BE_DB_HOST="localhost" BE_SA_USER="sa" BE_DB_SA_PASSWORD="sa" BE_DB_USER="pguard" BE_DB_PASSWORD="password" ^
FE_DB_HOST="localhost" FE_SA_USER="sa" FE_DB_SA_PASSWORD="sa" FE_DB_USER="pguardfe" FE_DB_PASSWORD="password" ^

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