Cloud Updater Q4.2021 - Release Notes

Cloud Updater Q4.2021 - Release Notes

Released on November 19, 2021 - Documentation updated on November 22, 2021

New Features

The Cloud Updater now supports download of Windows 11 content packages

To support both Windows 10 and Windows 11, the syntax in the package script has been changed.


The Cloud Updater automatically restarts itself, when an update for the Cloud Updater itself has been applied.

The Cloud Updater automatically promotes itself between configuration management points.

The Cloud Updater now updates itself in all root points.

If the Cloud Updater package runs in a “Server” root point, but it must manage service files and content packages in a “Workstation” root point, it is now supported.


Email notifications has been improved.

If a content package is already retired, you will no longer get an email about it.

Content packages for CapaWinUpgrade that has been registered previously using the Cloud Updater, are no longer being downloaded.

Only the content packages that is specified in the Cloud Updater package script, are downloaded during the package installation - WYSIWYG.

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