CapaInstaller 6.5 Release Notes

CapaInstaller 6.5 Release Notes

New Features in CapaInstaller 6.5 - 2023


Welcome to PowerShell in CapaInstaller; we call them PowerPacks.

In the earlier versions of CapaInstaller, PowerShell scripts must be executed from the VBScript with a command.

With our new version of CapaInstaller, a brand new PowerShell executions engine has been developed to support PowerShell scripts directly from CapaInstaller.

Read information about the PowerPacks and how to get started with PowerShell in CapaInstaller

Working with PowerPacks



All services, including agent services, use .net framework 4.6.2. this change requires that all computers and servers have .NET 4.6.2 support.

From Windows 10 1607 and Windows Server 2016, this is default included.

.NET 4.6.2 is supported from Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.



CapaInstaller Apple iOS now supports the creation of applications automatically from the Apple VPP.

In the Apple VPP Account setup, new options are available for the configuration of the auto-creation behavior, such as which management point or business unit the application must be created in.

The auto-creation of the application is handled by the Replicator task named “Synchronize Apple Volume Purchase Program”



Our CapaInstaller Software Catalog now supports that users can uninstall applications from the software catalog.

When the users have installed an application from the CapaInstaller Software Catalog, they can uninstall the application again.



Our CapaInstaller Frontend Service has significantly improved its performance by optimizing how it handles file requests. On every file request, the agent used to do a file exist before downloading or uploading a file, and this has been removed because we are not using the outbound folder on the container anymore and therefore don´t risk the file conflicts anymore.



CapaOne Agent Update:

The CapaOne Agent Installation Package has been updated, now it will download and install the newest CapaOne Agent.

This will fix problems where the CapaOne Agent could not start if there were defect performance counters on the endpoint.

To ensure all CapaOne Agents are up-to-date, run the CapaOne Agent Installation job on all computers.

Management Portal and Self-Service Portal

  • Management Portal must be upgraded after CapaInstaller has been updated.

    • Uninstall the old version and install the new version. (Setup is located in “CMP share” \Resources\Management Portal).

  • SelfServicePortal must be upgraded after CapaInstaller has been updated.

    • Uninstall the old version and install the new version. (Setup is located in “CMP share” \Resources\Self Service Portal).


Known Issues

Deleting old Data Connection services from the Capainstaller Console could fail in some cases - please contact support

SDK uses .NET Framework 3.5



The following SQL server editions will be discontinued

  • Discontinued support for Windows SQL Server 2008 

  • Discontinued support for Windows SQL Server 2012 

The following operation systems will be discontinued

  • Discontinued support for Windows Server 2008 

  • Discontinued support for Windows XP



An attacker could access computer information on the public front-end if the password configured on the front-end is weak.

Make sure passwords are strong on the front-end. Don’t use 1234 or password etc.


  Downloading and Upgrading to CapaInstaller 6.5


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Coming up next

Next version of CapaInstaller we have focus on the new PowerShell Support and packages


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