CapaInstaller 6.4 Release Notes
New Features in CapaInstaller 6.4 - 2022
OS Deployment
Technical Stuff
Management Portal and Self Service Portal
Management Portal must be upgraded after CapaInstaller has been updated.
Uninstall the old version and install the new version. (Setup is located in “CMP share” \Resources\Management Portal).
SelfServicePortal must be upgraded after CapaInstaller has been updated.
Uninstall the old version and install the new version. (Setup is located in “CMP share” \Resources\Self Service Portal).
Known Issues
System Notification in Console indicate an error with OSServer - this error has no impact with the system, there is a hotfix available in support that will stop the notification
As announced in earlier release notes, the CapaInstaller Agent will move to .net 4.6 framework.
Discontinued support for Windows Server 2008
Discontinued support for Windows XP
Downloading and Upgrading to CapaInstaller 6.4
See this site for download
See this site for how to update
Get Access to support from the portal
Coming up next
We are already working on the next version of CapaInstaller. With CapaInstaller 6.5 we will introduce PowerShell integration directly into CapaInstaller - Today it is possible to use PowerShell script with CapaInstaller using the scripting functions Powershell functions.
This will be much easier with CapaInstaller 6.5 where you can use PowerShell script directly or use the new PowerShell library.