CapaInstaller 6.2 Release Notes
Very Important information:
With CapaInstaller 6.2 the CapaInstaller Windows Agents are built on .NET Framework 4.6 (Default in Windows 10) and .NET Framework 3.5 - if you have windows computers in your environment etc. Windows 7 without 4.6 installed you must wait with this upgrade until you have upgraded all computers.
If .NET Framework 4.6 is installed, you can continue.
New Features in CapaInstaller 6.2 - 2021
OS Deployment
Management Portal
Mobile Device Management
Windows Agent
The other technical stuff
Management Portal and Self Service Portal
Management Portal must be upgraded after CapaInstaller has been updated.
Uninstall the old version and install the new version. (Setup is located in “CMP share” \Resources\Management Portal).
SelfServicePortal must be upgraded after CapaInstaller has been updated.
Uninstall the old version and install the new version. (Setup is located in “CMP share” \Resources\Self Service Portal).
Known Issues
In some cases, the CapaInstaller Installation Wizard fails when it updates the database - please contact support if you see this problem.
In some cases, the MDM service fails to start after the update. Checking cimdm.log shows an error: " MDM Service failed to obtain a correct CapaOne configuration from the backend service."
To fix this, go to System Administration → Software Accounts → CapaOne
Right-click on CapaOne and select Properties
Copy the token, then delete the token and click OK
Right-click again on CapaOne, then select Properties and paste the token. Click OK.
Check that MDM service starts
In some cases, the OS Deployment Service stopped working with PXE boot after update - the solution was to reboot the server
As announced in earlier release notes, the CapaInstaller Agent will move to .net 4.6 framework.
Discontinued support for Windows Server 2008
Discontinued support for Windows XP
Downloading and Upgrading to CapaInstaller 6.2
See this site for download of CapaInstaller 6.2
See this site for how to update to CapaInstaller 6.2
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