Configuring the OSD GUI
Element | Description |
Lookup Unit using | Lookup an existing Unit using UUID or Computername |
Disable command prompt | Specify if you want to allow the user to open a command prompt during the OSD GUI session. |
Use Deployment Templates | Configure the Client Installation using Deployment Templates. |
Default Os Deployment Point | Deployment Point used when reinstalling clients installed before Capainstaller 6.2 |
Default OS Deployment Server | Deployment Server used when reinstalling clients installed before Capainstaller 6.2 |
Do not allow installation of unknown models | If OSD cannot detect a known model for the machine, the process will inform the user and abort |
Disable Bitlocker Warning | Do not display a warning when deploying Windows 7/2008 to partitions that will not support Bitlocker setup |
Diable Bitlocker Partition | Do not create System partition when deploying Windows 7/2008, this will disable use of Bitlocker for the operating system. |
Disable RFC file creation | Prevent OSD from sending a Reqeust For Clear file to CMS |
GUI Timeout | Specify a number of seconds for OSD to wait for user input, if the timer runs out OSD will start the deployment automatically |
Skip GUI | Do not display the normal OSD UI, OSD will fail unless valid selections are made using the corresponding registry values. |
Keep CapaLib logfiles | Any CapaLib logfiles will be copied to the c:\osdlog folder before reboot |
Wait for RFC file to be cleared | Force OSD to wait for the replicator to collect the .rfc file created. |
Naming method | Select the method that you want OSD to use for generating the name of the machine/client. The following values are available:
Minimum length | Specify the minimum length of a name. |
Prefix | Specify a value that you want to be prefixed to the name generated by OSD. |
Locked | Specify if you want to allow a user to change the name before starting the installation. The following values are available:
Maximum Length | Specify the maximum length of the name, please note that names longer than 15 characters can have unexpected results in different software products |
Name Casing | Choose between upper, lower and mixed casing for names |
Regex validation pattern | Specify a regular expression (vbscript regex rules apply) to be used for validation of names entered |
Regex validation failed message | The message to be displayed when names to not comply with the RegExValidationPattern |
Reuse Name | OSD will attempt to find the old name and reuse it if possible |
Overrule name on reinstall | Allow users to change the name specified for a reinstallation. |
Admin mode password | Specify the password that the user is required to enter to be able to shift to admin mode by pressing CTRL+A. If no value is defined, no password will be required to enter admin mode. |
Installation type description | Specify the name of the installation type. |