Custom Data Extraction

Custom Data Extraction

You can only do this if you're a PerformanceGuard administrator.

As a PerformanceGuard administrator you may occasionally want to view custom performance data that's not covered by the data display options of the PerformanceGuard web interface.

When that's the case, you can get a CapaSystems consultant to help you extract the required custom data. After the consultant has extracted the data, you can view it in the PerformanceGuard web interface when you select ADMINISTRATION > Status > Uploaded Files.


In order for extracted custom data to be available for viewing in the PerformanceGuard web interface, you or your CapaSystems consultant must define a home for the extracted data files. To do that, define a main folder with one of more subfolders, depending on the structure and nature of the extracted data.

To define the main folder, select ADMINISTRATION > Setup > Parameters. Then select the Display tab and scroll down to the Browse Upload Folders parameter.

Note that the folder structure, including at least one custom subfolder, must exist. That means that if you want to use the default path of C:\Program Files\PerformanceGuard\notification\uploadedFiles\Dump, you must create the Dump folder yourself, because that folder doesn't exist by default. You must also create at least one custom subfolder under the Dump folder, for example ...\Dump\CustomData.

If in doubt, ask your CapaSystems consultant to define the folder structure for you when he or she sets up the custom data extraction.

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