Computer Info
Martin Moghadam
Oliver Villumsen
Yüksel Aydemir (Unlicensed)
Joachim Hansen
The computer info page offers detailed information about a specific computer that has the PerformanceGuard agent installed.
To view the page, select ANALYZE > Computers > Computer Search, and search for the required computer. Then, in the search results, click the name of the required computer, and then select the Computer Info tab.
Computer Info
This section lists information about the computer on which the PerformanceGuard agent is installed.
- Computer name.
- Local IP-Address: The computer's IP address
- Domain name: Name of the domain that the computer belongs to.
- Public IP-Address: The IP address of the last router between the computer and the PerformanceGuard frontend server.
- Network IP-Address: The network address of the computer.
- MAC-address: The MAC-address of the computer's network adapter. If the computer has more than one network adapter, the value is taken from the adapter that's used for connecting to PerformanceGuard.
- Processors: Number of processors on the computer.
- User Logged In: The user name of the user who is currently logged in on the computer.
- CPU Type: The type of processor on the computer.
- CPU Frequency: The clock frequency, in GHz, of the computer's processor.
- OS Version: The computer's operating system version, including any service pack information.
- Disk Size (System Drive): The computer's total system drive capacity.
- IE Version: The computer's Internet Explorer version.
- Free Disk Size (System Drive): The computer's free system drive capacity.
- Physical Memory: The amount of physical memory on the computer.
- Virtual Memory: Size of the computer's virtual memory pool.
Paging: The maximum allowed size of the computer's paging file.
What is paging?A paging file, also known as a swap file, is a file on the computer's hard disk in which Windows stores data that can't be held in the computer's RAM, for example when many programs run at the same time on the computer. You can manage the size of the paging file as part of Windows' advanced system settings.
- Network Adapter Speed: The link speed of the computer's network adapter. If the computer has more than one network adapter, the value is taken from the adapter that's used for connecting to PerformanceGuard.
- Booted at: The last time that the computer was started or restarted.
- Startup Duration: The time it took to start the computer when it was last started.
- Login at: The last time a user logged in to the computer.
- Login Duration: The time it took to log in to the computer.
Agent Info
This section lists information about the PerformanceGuard agent installed on the computer.
- Agent Id: A number that uniquely identifies the PerformanceGuard agent installed on the computer.
- Agent Version: The PerformanceGuard agent version installed on the computer.
- Configuration Id: An identifier of the agent's configuration along with the status of the agent's configuration.
If status is OK, the agent's configuration matches the latest configuration available for the agent's configuration group on the PerformanceGuard server. If status is Outdated, the agent configuration has been changed on the PerformanceGuard server, and the agent should get the latest configuration the next time that it connects to the PerformanceGuard frontend server. When that's the case, you can view the ID of the latest available configuration for the agent under Configuration Group (see the following). Try refreshing the page after a while to verify that status has changed to OK.
- Frontend Server: The name of the PerformanceGuard frontend server to which the agent connects.
- Installed at: Date and time of the first contact between the agent and the PerformanceGuard frontend server.
- Delivery interval: The time between collected data from the agent being delivered to the PerformanceGuard frontend server.
- Started at: The last time that the agent was started or restarted.
- Last Report No.: A number that identifies the last delivery of collected data from the agent to the PerformanceGuard frontend server.
- Last Delivery: Date and time of the last contact between the agent and the PerformanceGuard frontend server.
- Deliveries: Total number of deliveries from the agent.
- Options: Installed agent features and their status.
- Configuration Group: Link to the agent configuration group that controls the configuration of the agent. Also shows the ID of the latest configuration available for agents in that agent configuration group.
Group Membership
This section lists groups that the agent in question is a member of.
To see which other computers are members of a group, click the Group members link in the right part of the table.
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