How to Boot OSD from USB devices

How to Boot OSD from USB devices


This document describes the general guidelines for booting a CapaInstaller OSD environment from a USB device. This can be useful when no network boot service is available to the device that needs to be deployed with an OS from CapaInstaller OSD. Images and configurations will still be fetched from the deployment server with HTTP communication. The ports for this communication is configurable when setting up the OS Deployment Service


1Physical USB Key (Clean)

Boot.wim file

3PS file
4Ensure that the server is on the same network as the machine you want to USB boot from

Install the Windows ADK Tools with Win PE add-on

see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/get-started/adk-install

How to create the boot.wim file:

StepHow to

Under "OS Deployment", right-click your OSD point:


Expand "Boot Image" and click "Create boot file..."


Create a boot image with 32 bits or 64 bits:


Make sure you have an ADK Installation:


Click "Next" in the next three times:


Click "Commit" and now your boot file is creating:



Now your got your boot.wim file:

PowerShell Script to configure the USB-Key:

StepPowerShell Script:


Select properties on the downloaded powershell script, and verify that it's not blocked

How-to guide:

StepHow to

Run an "Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment" prompt as Administrator

Execute the PowerShell script from the "Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment"

Powershell -file c:\USBKeyCreater\BuildUSB.ps1

When you have run the script, first press [A] for “Yes to All”

Edit the values to match your environment

When this will pop up, chose the USB key, and click “OK” in the right bottom corner

When you have done that, this menu will pop up, and you need to press [Y] for “Yes”

Verify that the installation has been installed successfully:

Verify that the USB Key has 2 partitions - the boot files must bee on the D: partition and the E: drive must be empty:

Now you can OSD boot from your USB key

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