Power management introduction

Power management introduction


The point of using power management is to reduce power consumption in the company, by making sure the workstations and servers power down in the hours they are not being used.
The most obvious and longest period of time where PC´s are unnecessarily turned on is during the time employees are not at work. If the employee did not shut down the PC before leaving work, it would be consuming a lot of power when it wasn't needed. With CapaInstaller's power management you can have the system automatically put the PC into standby or hibernation to save power.
The less obvious situations where power management will save the company power is during lunch brakes, meetings and other times where the employee is not actively using the PC.
If lunch breaks are scheduled at the same time every day, power management can be set up to use a more aggressive plan during that time, making sure the pc goes into power-saving mode shortly after the lunch break starts.
Typically employees would be put into groups that share working schedules or departments etc. These groups would then be set up to apply certain power schemes on its members, at specified times. Most commonly a power scheme will be used during the time the employees of the group is at work, and another when they are not.
Power schemes
Power scheme groups
Power management exception list

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