Profiles and Business Units

Profiles and Business Units


A profile exists in the global part of a Configuration Management Point, where it can be configured and assigned to global units and groups.

It can also be assigned to one or more Business Units, which means it will be available inside the boundaries of the Business Unit, where it can be assigned to its units and groups.

A profile can be linked to units in multiple Business Units through a global group, on the condition that the profile is also available to each of the Business Units where the units exist. To illustrate this with an example:

Consider a profile ‘P1’ being linked to a global dynamic group that has three computers as members ‘C1’, ‘C2’, and ‘C3’. C1 and C2 reside in two different Business Units, which are both linked to P1, while C3 resides in a Business Unit without P1. The result will be that only C1 and C2 will get the profile P1.

When a profile should no longer be available in a  Business Unit it can be unassigned. This means it will also be unlinked from any groups or units inside that Business Unit.

If you want to...

You can...

Assign profiles to a business unit

Assign profiles/applications to a Business Unit

Unassign profiles from a business unit

Simply right-click it inside the business unit and select 'Unassign from Business Unit'

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