WiFi Advanced Payload

WiFi Advanced Payload


This payload can be used to configure a device to connect to a wireless access point with advanced authentication options.

If your organization uses more than one wireless access point, it can be beneficial to include more that one access point payload in a profile, e.g. Profile called "Global access points" which includes both public and enterprise access points payload in the same profile.

Depending on what type of access point you will configure, you should add a general Wifi access point and then jump to the configuration section that matches your setup for the access point:

If the User or Device certificate used here is issued from other certificates, then the entire Chain of Trust must be included in the profile by adding the issuer certificates as Certificate payloads. 


Network Name (SSID)
Identification (SSID) of the wireless network to connect to (Case sensitive).CompanyWifi
Hidden NetworkTrue
False (Default)
Enable if the target network is not open or broadcasting.False
Auto JoinTrue
False (Default)
Automatically join this wireless networkTrue
Security TypeValues: "None" (Default) [None],"WEP" [WEP],"Any-Personal" [Any],
"WPA/WPA2 (Personal)" [WPA],
"WPA/WPA2 (Enterprise)" [WPA],
 Yes both "WPA/WPA2 (Personal)" and "WPA/WPA2 (Enterprise)" is ending as "WPA"
Wireless network encryption to use when connectingWPA/WPA2 (Enterprise)
Proxy TypeValues: "None" (Default), " Manual", " Automatic"Configures proxy settings to be used with this network.


User Name"WPA/WPA2 (Enterprise)" onlyUsername for connecting to the network.WifiUser
Accepted EAP Types
Authentication protocols supported on the target network.
User Password"WPA/WPA2 (Enterprise)" onlyUser password. If not provided, the user may be prompted during login.
Inner AuthenticationPAP
MSCHAPv2 (Default)
Specifies the inner authentication used by the TTLS module. Possible values are PAP, CHAP, MSCHAP, MSCHAPv2, and EA.MSCHAPv2
Outer Identity

Externally visible identification (for use with TTLS, PEAP, and EAS-FAST).

This allows the user to hide his or her identity. The user's actual name appears only inside the encrypted tunnel. For example, it could be set to "anonymous" or "anon", or "anon@mycompany.net".

It can increase security because an attacker can't see the authenticating user's name in the clear.


Certificate Name
Name or description of the certificate credential.johndoe@company.com
The passphrase used to secure the credentials.CertPassword
Add Certificate
Certificate or Identity Data.
X.509 certificate (.cer, .p12, etc) for inclusion on device.

Use SCEP payload instead of Certificate
Use a SCEP payload from this profileCertificate


One Time PasswordTrue
False (Default)
If true, the user will be prompted for a password each time they connect to the network. Defaults to false.True
Trusted Server Certificate Names

This is the list of server certificate common names that will be accepted. You can use wildcards to specify the name, such as wpa.*.example.com. If a server presents a certificate that isn't in this list, it won't be trusted.

Used alone or in combination with attached certificates, the property allows someone to carefully craft which certificates to trust for the given network, and avoids dynamically trusted certificates.

Multiple entries must be split by a semicolon "";""

Allow trust exceptionsTrue (Default)

Allows/disallows a dynamic trust decision by the user. The dynamic trust is the certificate dialogue that appears when a certificate isn't trusted. If this is false, the authentication fails if the certificate isn't already trusted. See attached certificates and ""Trusted Server Certificate Names"".

The default value of this property is true unless either Certificate is attached or ""Trusted Server Certificate Names"" is supplied, in which case the default value is false.

TLS Certificate Is Required
If true, allows for two-factor authentication for EAP-TTLS, PEAP, or EAP-FAST. If false, allows for zero-factor authentication for EAP-TLS. The default is true for EAP-TLS, and false for other EAP types.
Use PACTrue
False (Default)
Use Protected Access Credential (PAC)False
Provision PAC True
False (Default)
Used only if EAPFASTUsePAC is true. If set to true, allows PAC provisioning. Defaults to false. This value must be set to true for EAP-FAST PAC usage to succeed because there is no other way to provide a PAC.False
Provision PAC anonymously
False (Default)
If true provisions the device anonymously. Note that there are known man-in-the-middle attacks for anonymous provisioning. Defaults to false.False
A number of expected RANDs for EAPSIM. Valid values are 2 and 3. Defaults to 3.

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