CapaOne Reliability
With the new feature. It is possible to get reliability data from every Client. With the integration af Performanceguard and the new Cloud solution CapaOne. With this, it is possible to link directly from one client in your Performanceguard installation. To our cloud-based solution CapaOne. to get a quick overview of your client's health.
A detailed description is Found here Reliability Interface
Before using this feature. The following Prerequisite has to be present.
Performanceguard Agent min. Version 8.3
Valid Contract Token. Cloud Services
Installed CapaOne Agent, on your Client's CapaOne installation guide
In any Performanceguard widget. Where you have listed a client.
List of built-in Widgets.
What's Going on
Detailed Computer analysis
Eks. access to these data.
From what's going on dashboard.
When clicking on a device, you have access to the Reliability Link.
When clicking This link. You are redirected to Capaone. Where you have access to this specific client's data.
See CapaOne Documentation . For an overview of other features when you are logged in.