CapaSystems develops and maintains the installation program for all OEM agents. Each time a new version of the agent is released, a matching installation program is automatically created, and as a post-build step, the installation program is then transformed into its corresponding OEM version.
It it possible to transform an existing agent installation program into an OEM installation program, provided that the original installation program is version 3.5 or later. Only CapaSystems is capable of performing this transformation.
The OEM agent installation program delivered by CapaSystems is an MS package.
Microsoft windows installer version 1.2 or later must be installed on the target computer, otherwise the installation will fail.
A number of features distinguishes an OEM version of the agent from the regular one. The icons that can appear in the system tray may be different. The installation controls this by placing new icons in the same catalog as the agent executable. Three icon files are required for a full "makeover:"
Icon File | Replaces |
small.ico | (or in newer agent versions)
small_slash.ico | (or in newer agent versions)
small_exclamation.ico | (or in newer agent versions)
Window titles, prompts and about boxes are also changed to show that the agent is an OEM version.
In order to see if a specific instance of the agent is an OEM version, the about box can be inspected, or the name of the executable can be checked using Task Manager or the tasklist command line tool.
The following table sums up important differences between the regular agent and OEM agents:
Value | Regular Agent | Example: Acme OEM Version |
Agent executableGuardAgent.exe | GuardAgent.exe | Acme_GuardAgent.exe |
GUI Executable | GuardAgent_Tray.exe | Acme_GuardAgent_Tray.exe |
System tray executable | GuardAgentTray.exe | Acme_Tray.exe |
Agent home directory | <PROGRAMFILES>\Premitech\PerformanceGuard | <PROGRAMFILES>\Acme\PerformanceGuard |
Windows service name | Premitech.pga | Acme.pga |
Windows service display name | PerformanceGuard Agent | Acme PerformanceGuard Agent |
Agent registry key | HKLM\SOFTWARE\Premitech\E2EAgent | HKLM\SOFTWARE\PremitechAcme_E2EAgent |
Browser helper object | IEAgent | Acme_IEAgent.dll |
IEAgent prompt URI | about:ieagent:settings | about:Acme-ieagent:settings |
IEAgent COM ProgID | IEAgent.PG_Object | Acme_IEAgent.AcmePG_Object |
IEAgentCOM description | Premitech PerformanceGuard Helper | Acme PerformanceGuard Helper |
IEAgent COM UUID | {5386FD5D-1D32-4EBD-BB57-867D6E74931B} | The Browser Helper Object is a COM component. For OEM versions the unique identifier (GUID) is changed. When the agent is installed a new GUID is generated, this GUID is then stored in the value IEAgentUUID on the OEM agent's key. |