Agent Telnet Interface

Agent Telnet Interface

The agent can be configured to offer an interface through Telnet. This is useful for remote control/diagnostics of agents and also in situations where the normal desktop isn't available. This includes when the computer that hosts the agent is accessed through terminal services.

Enable Telnet Server

You can enable the Telnet server enabled either through the configuration distributed by PerformanceGuard or by adding registry values on individual computers that run the agent.

Connect to Agent Telnet Interface

The agent Telnet interface is by default available on port 4003 (port number may be changed). To connect to the Telnet interface of a locally installed agent using the default port number, you would thus type telnet localhost 4003 in a command prompt.

Telnet Commands

When using the Telnet interface, type help to get a list of available commands.

Examples of Telnet Commands

Example: Type view dns to view all entries in the agent's reverse DNS cache. This is the same as selecting View > DNS in the agent's web interface.

If you want to further use the agent's reverse DNS cache, you can type lookup [IP address], for example lookup, to resolve an IP address to a DNS name using the cache.

Example: Type view ip data to view IP-traffic data measured by the agent. This is the same as selecting View > IP Data in the agent's web interface.

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