

What are Widgets?

PerformanceGuard dashboards are made up of one or more widgets that each show a particular type of information. If required, you can have the same kind of widget multiple times on the same dashboard.

These widgets show information about computers or applications that you have selected on the dashboard, or that your PerformanceGuard administrator has selected for you.

Padlock on Widget?

 If a widget only shows a padlock icon, it means that you don't have the necessary user rights to view the widget's content.

The widget contains information about an individual computer, but you're not allowed to view information about individual computers. In that case the widget will show the padlock icon.

Ask your PerformanceGuard administrator if you're in doubt.

Widget Categories

The widgets have been grouped together to help users navigate and browse through different Categories. This provides a structured and systematic approach in identifying the widgets.







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