The purpose of this widget is to quickly identify the most affected computers for any defined event rule. It displays a list of computers sorted by the number of reported events on a specific Event Rule within a given time frame.
The widget looks at events that have happened on the selected computer, and displays them as a list of numbers. Remember what an event is? It's a threshold violation, for example a response time that isn't acceptable. The widget can show this information about any computer / location that your PerformanceGuard administrator has defined.
You can use the widget to, for example, find out how many events have been reported on a specific Event Rule. This in turn can help you identify computers that are affected.
Before you set up the widget, you need to find out if you have defined the Event rules that you want to be able to view in the widget.
- Your PerformanceGuard administrator has predefined Event rules i.e. select ADMINISTRATION > Event Management > Event Rules (or create a new Event Rule).
When you're ready to add the widget to a dashboard, you simply select the required information in the widget setup menus.
Your PerformanceGuard administrator has typically set up the widget to display the list.
When that's the case, you can simply use the Locations and Event Rule menus in the top part of the dashboard to view the number for events for selected Time Period.
You can narrow down your search
by selecting how many computers you want to have displayed in the widget. The displayed data can be exported
as Excel or CSV. This widget on your dashboard can be very useful allowing you to have constant event monitoring.