Manage Time Periods

Manage Time Periods

You can only do this if you're a PerformanceGuard administrator.

Select ADMINISTRATION > Reporting > Periods to manage the periods of time used in PerformanceGuard KPI reports, SLA reports and trend graphs.

A period defines which week days and hours of the day should be included in the result when PerformanceGuard creates SLA reports or trend graphs.

You can disable a period by editing it and changing the Enabled setting to No. If you disable a period, it won't be available on any graphs, but it will have no influence on SLA or trend calculations.

In addition to the periods, you are also able to define custom time intervals for graphs.

Manage Periods in Database

We recommend that you use the PerformanceGuard web interface to manage periods, but you can also manage periods directly in the PerformanceGuard database table called PERIOD. This method should only be used by experienced users who prefer to manage periods this way.

The definition of a time period contains the following attributes:


The period ID is a unique integer for the time period. Select a number that isn't already in the PERIOD table.


The period name, for example "Monday through Friday, working hours".


A value indicating the type of time period. You may choose from these calendar periods: an hour, a day, a week or a month. Each calendar period is represented by a value according to this table

Calendar Period










Days Included

A list of days of the week that should be included, from Sunday to Saturday.

You must calculate a number representing the days of week to include for use in your SQL statement. The number is a 7-bit integer, each bit representing a day of week. Bit 0 (LSB) represents Sunday, bit 1 represents Monday, etc. Bit 6 (MSB) represents Saturday.

If a bit is set, it means that the corresponding day of week is included in the time period. For example, the weekdays Monday through Friday would be represented by the number 0111110 in binary notation. This is equal to the number 62 in decimal notation. If no bits are set, PerformanceGuard will act as if all bits are set. The case with no bits set is of no interest.

Weekdays included

7-bit binary representation

7-bit decimal representation

All (special case)









Mon - Fri



Mon, Wed, Fri



Hours Included

A list of hours of the day that should be included, from 00 to 23.

You must calculate a number representing the hours of day to include. The number is a 24-bit integer where each bit represents an hour of the day. Bit 0 (LSB) is the hour between 12 AM and 1 AM, bit 1 is the hour between 1 AM and 2 AM, etc. If a bit is set, it means that the corresponding hour of day is included in the time period.

For example, the hours from 8 AM through 5 PM is represented by the 24-bit number 00000001 11111111 00000000 in binary notation which is equal to the number 130816 in decimal notation. If no bits are set, PerformanceGuard will act as if all bits are set. The case with no bits set is of no interest.

Hours of day included

24-bit binary representation

24-bit decimal representation

All (special case)

00000000 00000000 00000000



11111111 11111111 11111111


8 AM - 5 PM

00000001 11111111 00000000


7-9 AM, 1-2 PM

00000000 00100001 10000000



An integer indicating whether this period definition is enabled or not. 0 represents disabled. 1 represents enabled.

Eight Time Periods by Default

By default there are eight periods predefined in PerformanceGuard, with period IDs from 1 through 8.

Example: The following SQL-statement creates a new time period definition in PerformanceGuard. The new period ID is 9. The period covers Monday through Friday and the hours from 8 AM through 5 PM.

insert into period (period_id, name, description, period_type, hours, weekdays, enabled)values (9, 'Monday through Friday, Working hours', 'Monday through Friday, Working hours', 1, 130816, 62 ,1)

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